The Significant Read online

Page 8

  Kailynn’s eyebrows furrowed.

  “No parents?”

  Isa looked confused by Kailynn’s confusion.

  “What do you know about Elites?”

  “You run the Syndicate.”


  “What else is there to know?”

  Isa chuckled at the indignant tone in Kailynn’s voice. The Significant cringed.

  “Sorry, I didn’t—”

  “It’s alright,” Isa said. “May I ask a question? Was there criteria for someone with an attitude to act as my Significant?”

  Kailynn laughed. “Actually, yes.”

  “Remus knows me well,” Isa mused. “Please, do not feel that you need to censor yourself. I deal with people who are politically correct and vague all day. I prefer someone honest and straightforward.”

  Kailynn stared at the Elite for a moment before she found herself smiling sincerely.

  “You know, that’s amazing that you can just say that.”

  Isa’s smile knocked the breath from Kailynn’s chest.

  “Then, tell me, what else is there to know about Elites?” Kailynn asked, trying to shake off the feeling. “I know you run the Syndicate, and that you can’t have sex.”

  “That’s not entirely true,” Isa said. “We are not allowed to have sexual intercourse. But we do have the physical capabilities.”

  “That’s what I meant.”

  “To be honest, that’s about everything there is to Elites,” Isa admitted. “There is nothing more to us. No fear, no emotion, high pain tolerance, low physical needs—”

  “Did you say no emotion?”

  “Elites are made, not born, and I do mean that literally,” Isa explained. “We are created in incubational chambers and grown to a certain age. During that process, certain functions of the brain are turned off, such as emotions and the ability to cry.”

  “You can’t cry either?” Kailynn gaped. Isa shook her head.

  “Elites were made to work. That’s all. A great portion of Elites do not even have personality. They simply move about in life as if they were a machine.” Isa walked to Kailynn, motioning her to follow as they went back inside. “I’m sure that’s quite different from the people you are normally around in Trid.”

  Kailynn stopped at the door and blinked in shock at the Golden Elite. Isa walked into the living room as Tarah walked out of the kitchen, wondering if there was anything the Golden Elite needed. The Significant quickly caught up to Isa and stood in front of her, blocking Tarah.

  “What did you just say?”

  “That I’m sure there are far more colorful people in Trid,” Isa said. “Did that upset you?”

  Kailynn narrowed her eyes.

  “You made it sound as though you were calling me a Trid,” she said carefully.

  “Are you not?” Isa asked, her tone without condescension. Kailynn was about to vehemently deny her true birthplace, but stopped, startled by the tone in the Golden Elite’s voice. She hesitated.

  “What if I was?”

  “Then you were born in Trid,” Isa stated matter-of-factly. “I do not see anything wrong with that.” The Golden Elite looked around Kailynn to Tarah. “Would you please make some tea?”

  “Yes, Miss,” Tarah said, bowing her head and returning to the kitchen. Isa was about to sit on the couch when Kailynn stopped her.

  “Say I was from Trid,” she started worriedly. “How did you know?”

  “Because you did not know that Elites did not have emotions,” she answered. She sat on the couch, turning her bright blue eyes back on Kailynn. “That is something taught in all schools on Anon. Either you skipped your lessons continuously, or you were born in Trid, where there are no schools. Judging from what you said earlier about someone like you needing to make money, I assumed you were a Trid.”

  Kailynn remained still, staring at the Golden Elite in shock. She had only spoken to the Elite for less than a half-hour and already the woman knew that she was using a fake name and that she had been born in Trid. It briefly crossed her mind that Isa, being the Golden Elite, would send her back to Trid, or even to prison for faking citizenship to work as a Significant.

  “Are…are you going to call Officials on me?”

  “Why would I do that?” Isa asked gently. “You knew the risks of faking citizenship and getting work in Anon. I’m sure you would not do so lightly. There is a reason you need the money, and I’m not about to make it more difficult.”

  Kailynn stared at Isa in surprise. For a few moments, she remained still. Then, she stepped to the couch across the coffee table and sat down heavily, still looking at Isa. Several more seconds passed before she spoke.

  “You’re…not what I expected.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “…can I ask a question?”

  “Of course.”

  “Why, exactly, am I here?” Kailynn said carefully. “Why would the Silver Elite pay for me to be here for you? I thought Elites were never supposed to spend time with Significants? Aren’t you breaking the law?”

  “In a way, I am,” Isa agreed. “But Remus is, as well, by paying for you to be here.” The Golden Elite took a deep breath. “However, Venus does know you are here.”

  “She does?” Kailynn gasped.

  “There is no reason to be concerned,” Isa assured. “Remus cleared the action with Venus before he asked for you. She agreed.”

  “Why would she agree?” Kailynn asked suspiciously.

  Isa’s eyes turned to the coffee table between them.

  “There are many reasons,” Isa started. “But the biggest reason is that both Remus and Venus believe that I need to take time off and talk to someone.”

  “Why not just go to a therapist?” Kailynn asked. “That’s what they’re meant for.”

  “I do not feel the need to harass my Specialist again,” Isa laughed lightly. “If I am being honest, I was opposed to having you here. I do not like the practice of Significants, and I do not feel that I need to discuss any personal problems. I might need this month-long break to regain some of my mental energy, but I do not think I need a Significant.”

  “But I’m here anyway.”

  “I was outnumbered,” Isa admitted. “While you are here, though, please make yourself at home. I know you likely deal with customers who are not great conversationalists, but I enjoy face-to-face conversation greatly.”

  “That would be a first,” Kailynn chuckled.

  Chapter Eight

  Kailynn had been unable to sleep the previous night. She had sat with Isa for much of the day and spoken to her. Only twice did Isa go back to her office to find that Remus was keeping her NCB chair on remote lockdown, preventing her from working. She returned and would ask Kailynn to tell her a little more about what Significants were like when they were not with clients.

  Kailynn was only too happy to tell her the stories of the Significant lounges. Isa listened and smiled, rarely contributing to the conversation other than to keep Kailynn talking. Kailynn did not realize how much she had told Isa until she looked at the clock and realized that they had been in conversation for over four hours.

  She had stopped when Isa got a phone call. The Elite answered it with her earpiece and began laughing gently at the beginning of the conversation. Kailynn had taken the time of the Elite’s distraction to study her, still unable to fully comprehend how the beautiful Elite was real.

  After the brief conversation, Isa finished her wine and said that she was going to go to bed. She thanked Kailynn again for being there and said she looked forward to spending the month with her. Kailynn was not sure if she was just being polite, but the words made the younger woman smile, regardless.

  Kailynn went to her room, but could not settle down. Her thoughts were practically consumed with her situation and with how different Isa was from how she imagined.

  Rumors of the Golden Elite were not common, but there were certain things that were expected when one thought o
f the most powerful person in the planetary system. Kailynn would have thought that the Golden Elite would be cold and cruel, abiding strictly by the laws and being sure that all under her rule did the same. Isa, however, had a strangely gentle nature about her. Her perfection made her intimidating, and there was an air of authority around her, but she did not appear to be a harsh leader.

  Kailynn spent most of the night thinking about Isa.

  Therefore, she was tired when she walked out of her room and joined Isa and Tarah for breakfast.

  “Did you sleep well?” Isa asked.

  “I did, thank you,” Kailynn lied. She had always felt that the morning after being with a client was awkward and forced, and this was no exception. She had spent so much of the night thinking about the Elite, she felt awkward as she approached the table. Tarah stood to serve her, but Kailynn smiled and shook her head.

  “It’s alright, I can serve myself.”

  “No, Miss Jacyleen, it’s quite alright.”

  “Oh, actually, my name is Kailynn. My real name.”

  “Oh.” Tarah stared at Kailynn, blinking slowly, “Kailynn. I will serve you.”

  Tarah quickly went into the kitchen before Kailynn could protest further. Isa watched her caretaker leave, her eyes lingering on the door for only a moment before she turned to Kailynn.

  “She will be more comfortable serving you. It’s what she has been taught to do.” Isa motioned to the chair across from her. “Please.”

  Kailynn sat, her eyes averted from the Elite. Isa was in a heavy robe, but she still appeared to be flawless, even dressed so casually. Her hair fell in natural waves around her face. Kailynn realized quickly that the Elite did not have makeup on but still looked perfect.

  It was then that Kailynn had to remind herself that Isa was not human.

  The Golden Elite looked up from a small tablet, where she had been reading the news, and smiled at Kailynn.

  “How are you this morning?”

  “Okay,” Kailynn murmured. “Not used to being served, though.”

  Isa smiled. “I’m sure it’s a big change for you.”

  “I’m not sure that I’m comfortable with it,” Kailynn laughed awkwardly.

  “Tarah enjoys her works in the kitchen. Letting her serve you is something that will make her happy. If you feel uncomfortable with any of the other things she does for you, then feel free to tell her to stop.”

  “Other things?” Kailynn asked nervously. “Are caretakers, like, the servants of the Elites?”

  “We try to avoid that word,” Isa said carefully. “They are paid, and of course they are allowed to resign whenever they wish. But they are responsible for the upkeep of an Elite household, and an Elite.”

  “Upkeep? What, do you have maintenance or something?” Kailynn laughed. Isa chuckled as well, shaking her head.

  “No, mostly they make sure that we eat, keep the house clean, and make sure we have everything we need.”

  “But caretakers aren’t expected to wipe the asses of the Elites, or anything like that, right? They don’t have to do everything for you?”

  Isa could not help but laugh at Kailynn’s vulgarity.

  “I would certainly hope that those working with me to run the planet are capable enough to wipe their own asses.”

  Tarah returned with a plate of food and a cup of coffee, setting it down in front of the Significant.

  “If you would prefer tea, instead, I still have some warm in the pot.”

  “No, coffee is fine.”

  Isa turned back to the tablet with the news while Kailynn ate the most delicious food she was sure she had ever tasted. She remembered her shock the previous night when real, organic food was brought out for dinner as opposed to ration packs, which she had grown up eating. Real food was too expensive. Only the high class society members were able to afford it.

  Kailynn almost wished she had never eaten the food because she knew it would be difficult to return to ration packs.

  Isa stood when Kailynn was half-way through her breakfast. She walked into her room, the door closing behind her as she continued to read the tablet in her hand.

  Kailynn turned to Tarah, who was looking at her food, pushing it around on her plate.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  “Huh?” Tarah looked up quickly. “Oh, yeah, I’m fine,” she assured. “Are you comfortable in your room?”

  “Yeah,” Kailynn said. An awkward silence fell over them as Tarah tried to figure out what to say next. “So, how did you come to work here?” Kailynn prompted.

  “I took over for Rayal when he resigned,” Tarah explained.

  “Rayal? Was he the previous caretaker?”

  “Mm-hm,” Tarah affirmed with a nod. “He put in his resignation three years ago, and then trained me for a year, and then left.”

  “Why did he quit?”

  “I think there was just a lot for Rayal to process after…” Tarah trailed off, her eyes going wide when she remembered who she was talking to and that she should not speak too freely. “Sorry. It’s just that…a few years ago, things were a little difficult for the Syndicate and Rayal was having trouble keeping up with Isa’s needs. He resigned, saying he wasn’t young enough to deal with the stress of handling Isa’s care.”

  “Is she difficult to take care of?” Kailynn asked worriedly. She was suspicious about the way Tarah had quickly caught herself and then began speaking vaguely.

  “In a way,” Tarah chuckled, rolling her eyes. “You will never meet someone who takes worse care of themselves. She never stops working. Some days it’s a miracle if I can get her to eat anything. She’ll often stay up all night working. I keep having to ask her to sleep and eat.”

  “Sounds like a predicament,” Kailynn chuckled. “Was Rayal not a good caretaker, then?”

  “He was the best,” Tarah said strongly. “No one could do their job as well as Rayal.”

  “Well, then, why was he having trouble keeping up with Isa?”

  Tarah opened her mouth to speak, but stopped. She looked torn and frantic, as if she was trying to keep something secret. Kailynn watched her struggle, hoping that the teenager would just tell her what had really happened, but when she saw how nervous the younger woman was getting, she took pity upon her.

  “I guess I’m just wondering if his resignation was because he and Isa didn’t get along.”

  “Oh no, far from it,” Tarah said, shaking her head, relaxing a little. “Rayal still works for Isa as head of her Intelligence Agency.”

  “Humans are allowed to work for the Syndicate?”

  “Most of the basic workers in the Syndicate are human,” Tarah explained. “Then there’s the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Elites—fifteen in total.”

  “That’s it?”

  “That’s it.”

  “And they all have caretakers like you?”

  “Yes,” Tarah said with a nod. “We’re trained by our predecessor for a year before we take the position.”

  “And how do you get to be trained to be a caretaker?”

  “It’s who you know,” Tarah explained. “I was lucky. Isa took interest in me when I was very young, so she asked me if I would like to take over for Rayal, and I quickly agreed.”

  “Why? Why did you want this position? Sounds like you’re basically Isa’s live-in maid.”

  “I wanted to work for her. I owe her my life.”

  “Your life? What do you mean?”

  “I wouldn’t be alive today if it weren’t for Isa. Working here was the least I could do to pay her back.”

  “What happened? How did she save your life?”

  “That’s not a good story…” Tarah said, shaking her head and smiling nervously. “Maybe some other time.”

  The caretaker stood and grabbed Isa’s plate, as well as her own, and returned them to the kitchen. When she came back out, Kailynn grabbed her arm.

  “Tarah, I’m sorry if I upset you,” she said sincerely. “This is a very strange world to m
e. I was just trying to converse.”

  “I know, I’m alright,” Tarah assured with a gentle smile. “I know how much of a shock this is for you. I was born into poverty. It took a long time to get used to this luxury.” Tarah’s smile widened. “Enjoy it while you’re here. There’s no reason not to.”

  Kailynn wandered about the home, not sure what to do with her afternoon. Isa had vanished. Again. She had appeared for an hour or so and had another cup of tea while she read her tablet. Then she disappeared for several hours before returning for lunch. Kailynn had to busy herself with trying to help Tarah because she did not know what to do with herself otherwise. After lunch, as Kailynn was helping Tarah with the dishes, Isa disappeared again.

  Kailynn was wondering what the Golden Elite was doing that she could breeze about the house like a ghost. She also wondered if that was going to be common through the entire month.

  She was being paid far too much to act like a piece of furniture in the house.

  Kailynn walked into the pool area and was confronted with the sounds of water splashing. Surprised, she watched Isa swim, ducking underwater and changing direction as the Elite swam laps.

  Kailynn walked up to the pool’s edge, watching the Elite swim away from her, making the exercise look easy. Kailynn was so caught up with how flawlessly the Elite moved through the water that it took her longer to realize that the Elite was swimming naked.

  Startled, but also fascinated, Kailynn watched the Elite change directions again and swim toward her.

  On the final few strokes, Isa broke form and went to the side of the pool, smiling at Kailynn as she leaned against the edge.


  “Hello,” Kailynn said, blinking out of her stupor. “You’re a really good swimmer.”

  “You think so?”

  “You made it look easy.”

  “Thank you,” Isa said, pushing some wet tendrils of hair behind her ear. “Care to join me?”

  Kailynn looked over the pool and laughed nervously.

  “Uh, I don’t think so…”

  “Why not?”

  “I…I don’t have a swim suit.”

  “Neither do I.”