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The Significant Page 7

  The building was practically silent. There was the gentle humming of the machines that ran the building, but the foyer was devoid of people. The sounds from Kailynn’s shoes echoed in the cavernous space and made her feel even smaller.

  She walked toward the elevators, but passed them, as she was told, going to the door marked “Caretaker.”

  She knocked on the door three times and, no more than two seconds later, the panel on the door lift up, depicting a man with clean-cut, black hair and brown eyes.

  “Welcome to Anon Tower. I am Caretaker. How may I assist you?” the robot asked.

  “I am a visitor,” Kailynn said slowly, trying to strengthen her voice.

  “What room are you visiting?”

  “Code 7734,” Kailynn said nervously.

  “Thank you. I shall page that room. Please enter the first elevator.”

  Kailynn turned to see the first elevator door slide open. She was curious about the secrecy of the code to get to the Elite’s level of the building, since she was sure no one would try to storm the tower.

  She stepped into the elevator and the doors closed.

  As the car of the elevator ascended, almost silent, Kailynn concentrated on her breathing, being sure to keep herself from shaking.

  She had never seen an Elite before and was unsure how they differed from humans. They were treated almost as if they were mythical beings, ones only seen in the light of a full double moon. The reality that she was about to meet an Elite—let alone spend a month with said Elite—was overwhelming.

  The elevator slowed to a stop and Kailynn’s stomach flipped.

  When the doors opened, Kailynn was startled to see a young woman standing in the hallway. She was young but she had a very natural and innocent beauty to her. She was dressed in simple clothing, but that did not diminish the brilliance of her smile. Her long, dark blonde hair was pulled into a braid that draped over her shoulder.

  “Jacyleen?” the young woman asked.


  “Good morning,” the woman said with a bow of her head. “I am Tarah, the caretaker of the household.”

  “Tarah…caretaker? Are you old enough to be working as a caretaker?” Kailynn asked.

  “Yes,” Tarah said, surprised by the question. “I am seventeen.” She motioned for Kailynn to follow her. “Please, come with me. I will show you to your room.”

  Kailynn slowly followed the young woman down the short hallway to the only other door. The door opened automatically and Kailynn had to stand in the doorway for a moment admire the beautiful home. There was a large sitting area filled with expensive furniture and a table that served as a dining space. The lighting was installed into the white ceiling and a fireplace was on the wall that curved outward into a wall of glass, giving a spectacular view of the city skyline from the large balcony.

  “Please, do not be shy, come in.”

  Kailynn had been to several of the homes of the nobles of Anon, but the elegance and simplicity of the level at Anon Tower was unlike anything she had seen before.

  “Thank you for coming to stay here,” Tarah said with a smile. “Please feel free to make yourself at home. If you are in need of anything, do not hesitate to let me know.”

  “Thank you,” Kailynn said nervously. “Um…where is…”

  “She’ll be out momentarily,” Tarah assured, understanding the question. “Allow me to show you to your room.”

  Kailynn was, once again, surprised to see that, when she rounded the corner, there was a bar with mirrors behind the glasses and bottles of alcohol. She would have commented on the sheer number of bottles, but the bar set up was so beautiful that she was captivated with the way the light reflected off the glasses.

  She followed the young caretaker through the door on the other side of the bar. There was another hallway beyond with four doors, two on each side. Tarah turned to the first door on the left and it immediately opened.

  “This will be your room.”

  Kailynn walked in, her eyes captivated by the grandeur of the large bed and desk with computer. She set her bag down on the bed, her eyes wide.

  “Please take your time to settle,” Tarah said. “Come to the main room whenever you feel comfortable.”

  Once Tarah left, Kailynn immediately went to the bathroom and splashed her face with water, trying not to notice the luxury of the bathroom as well. She told herself to calm down and that there was nothing to be nervous about. The Elites also had to be careful if they wanted a Significant around. Jak had assured her that they had dealt with Elites before. Kailynn just needed to be careful and discreet and not allow herself to be overwhelmed.

  She dried her face and checked herself over once before returning to the main room.

  Kailynn was not prepared to be confronted with the most beautiful woman she had ever seen in her life.

  The Elite was stunning. She was tall and well-built, lined with lithe muscle. Her hourglass figure was accented by the casual Elite attire, but the dark colors were in sharp contrast to her alabaster skin and light blonde hair. But what took Kailynn’s breath away was the vivid blue color of her eyes.

  Their eyes met and, for those brief seconds, everything else in the universe disappeared.

  “Miss, this is Jacyleen,” Tarah introduced, standing across the bar from the Elite.

  “Jacyleen,” the beautiful woman said with a perfect smile. “Thank you for agreeing to be here.”

  “It is my pleasure,” Kailynn barely managed to utter, still captivated by the blue eyes. “How…how should I address you?”

  “Just Isa is fine.”

  Kailynn’s jaw dropped and her eyes shot wide.

  “Golden Elite Isa?” she whispered.

  “You seem surprised,” Isa said gently. “Were you not informed with which Elite you would be spending a month?”

  “N-no, it’s not that…” Kailynn said quickly, trying to disguise her utter shock. “I-it’s just that…I don’t think it is appropriate to address you so informally.”

  Isa’s smile widened.

  “I would actually prefer casual conversation while you are here.”

  “Y-yes, of course.”

  Kailynn could not form any thoughts other than the fact that she was standing in the same room as the most powerful person in the Altereye System. She had only heard of the Golden Elite. She had never seen pictures or video, but she was sure that, even if she had, they would not do justice to the perfection Isa exhibited. Even her blinking seemed to be so perfectly timed that they were hypnotizing. Kailynn wondered if all Elites were so flawless, or if it was only Isa.

  “Well, Jacyleen, I do hope you will excuse me, but there are a few matters to which I must attend.”

  “Oh, yes, sure, okay.”

  Kailynn’s tongue felt useless as she tried to form words.

  Isa thanked Tarah and walked past Kailynn toward the hall of Kailynn’s room. When the door had closed behind her, Kailynn’s entire body went slack. She glanced at Tarah, her eyes wide.

  “I did not know I was going to be here with the Golden Elite.”

  “You didn’t?” Tarah asked. “Why wouldn’t they tell you that?”

  “I assume because they wanted to freak me out as much as possible,” Kailynn groaned. She walked closer to Tarah. “That was really Golden Elite Isa?”

  “Yes,” Tarah said with a broken chuckle. “Why are you so surprised?”

  “I have never been around an Elite before…” Kailynn said. “I thought it was one of the lower ranked ones, not the most powerful one in the damn system.”

  Tarah blinked at Kailynn’s tone. She had never known Significants before, but she was sure they were not supposed to act so unprofessionally when it came to their clients. Still, Tarah found herself smiling.

  “You are in for quite the month, then, aren’t you?”

  “I guess.”

  “If there is anything you need, please let me know. Feel free to explore the level. Isa’s office is in
the back area. Try not to disturb her when she is working. Otherwise, please make yourself at home.”

  “Um…what should I do?” Kailynn asked nervously.


  “Normally my clients are in the same room with me when they want me over,” Kailynn said with a light chuckle.

  “Oh,” Tarah laughed. “It’s very difficult to get Isa to stop working. I’m sure that she’ll find you when she’s finished with what she’s doing. You can do anything you would like until then.”

  Kailynn was unsure what she possibly could do.


  “Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat,” Tarah said, trying to make the Significant feel more comfortable.

  “No, I’m alright.” Kailynn sighed heavily and looked around. “I guess I’ll just…look around.”

  “Okay. Let me know if you need anything.”

  Kailynn watched the teenager move into the kitchen through the door next to the bar. Kailynn sighed once more and looked around the living room, noting the expensive pieces of art and the beautiful, pristine condition of the furniture. The home hardly appeared to be one that was occupied. It seemed to be for show. She walked around the perimeter of the room and glanced over the paintings and photographs. She noticed that there was no television in the room, and that surprised her.

  She went to the other door in the main room and it opened automatically. She was surprised when she was confronted with what she assumed was the Golden Elite’s bedroom. There was a large bed, the frame intricate designs of gold, holding the mattress and pillows in a nest form, sunken in the middle and slightly tilted upward. The darker colors of the room gave the bedroom a subdued and calming aura.

  Kailynn glanced around nervously before stepping into the bedroom, wondering if there was anything in there that could tell her more about the Golden Elite. There was access to the balcony from the bedroom, but the curtains were pulled closed over the windows to mute the light. There was a large closet with the door open—Kailynn was sure that the closet was the size of Raphael’s flat in Trid. There were racks of shoes and accessories along with clothes of rich fabrics that Kailynn was afraid to touch.

  Across the room from the closet was the bathroom, white with marble and silver. Even after the time she had spent in the houses of noblemen, she was not prepared for the luxury of the Golden Elite’s home.

  She left the bedroom, going back into the guest hallway where her room was located. She assumed that the other three doors led to rooms that looked like hers, so she continued to the door at the other end of the hallway.

  The surprises continued.

  There was a large pool set into the floor, the pristine waters showing the care put into maintaining it. The windows leading to the balcony allowed light and heat into the room. Kailynn walked around the pool, completely overwhelmed. When she realized that there was a smaller room off of the pool area with a sauna and workout area, she could not help but roll her eyes.

  “I don’t know what I was expecting…” she grumbled.

  As she left the pool area, she found herself feeling indignant. She had to struggle to stay warm in Trid and find a way to feed herself, but the Golden Elite had an entire level of Anon Tower that had a pool and guest rooms for guests that Kailynn was sure Isa never had. The class difference between the two was so apparent it almost physically hurt. Kailynn was wondering why Isa was living in such luxury while there was an entire district of her planet that struggled to survive just beyond the borders of her shining capital city.

  Kailynn walked through the other door of the pool area, finding herself traveling further into the Golden Elite’s level. She found herself in another hallway with four doors, two on each side. When she got to the first door, it opened for her. Kailynn wondered what the Golden Elite needed with four additional guest rooms—except the hallway did not contain guest rooms, but guest suites. The rooms were even larger and more lavish than the room Kailynn was staying in, which she found to be incredibly extravagant.

  Kailynn followed the bend in the hallway and saw three more doors. She approached one, expecting it to open automatically like the others, but it did not. She turned away from it, not sure how to open it, since there was no handle on the door, and moved to the next one, which did open. There was a smaller room with a billiards table and several plush seats facing a large television—the only one Kailynn had seen in the home.

  The Significant went back to the last door she had not explored and was confused at the sight.

  There were shelves lining the room and in many rows through the room. There were boxes sitting on the shelved with writing along the edges. The boxes were different colors and sizes, filling the shelves entirely. Kailynn stepped further in, the lights flickering on automatically. She approached on of the shelves and gingerly touched one of the boxes. She pulled it off the shelf, looking over the design on the front of the long, thin box.

  That was when she realized that the box was not a box at all. It was multiple pages bound together to form a package she had never seen before. She touched the pages, shocked at their texture and thinness.

  The sudden stop of a humming and the sound of a door opening caused Kailynn to quickly replace the package and leave the room, intent on coming back at a later time.

  She quickly went back to the living room, which was empty, and tried to decide what to do next.

  She finally made the decision to go onto the balcony. She walked to the glass wall and one of the panels automatically moved aside for her. The cool air brushed her face and cleared her mind a little. Never in her life did she ever think that she would be standing on the balcony of the Golden Elite’s home.

  Kailynn was looking out over the buildings, trying not to get too close to the edge of the balcony. She had a fear of heights and did not want to risk the vertigo she normally got looking out of her own window on the third floor. Anon Tower was far taller than any building she had ever been inside.

  She took a deep breath and carefully stepped forward, putting her foot down lightly and transferring her weight as if the balcony would give way under her. She took another cautious step toward the railing, raising on her toes to look over the edge, even though she was too far away to see the ground.

  “This building can withstand earthquakes of nine-point magnitude,” a voice said behind her. Kailynn whirled around, startled, and caught sight of Isa’s smiling face. Kailynn placed a hand against her chest and let out a shaky breath.

  “You scared the shit out of me.”

  Isa chuckled and walked closer.

  “I apologize,” she said. “You’re acrophobic?”


  “Afraid of heights,” Isa clarified, walking past Kailynn and turning around, taking a few steps back until she could lean against the front rail. The younger woman watched her warily.

  “Come closer,” Isa urged, extending her hand.

  Kailynn hesitated, not sure if she should listen to Isa or decline and go back inside. She looked at Isa’s bright blue eyes and found herself taking a step forward before she knew it. She slowly reached out and let Isa take her hand. The Golden Elite gently led the Significant a step closer to the edge.

  “You’re safe up here,” she assured. “There are sensors in the bottom of the balcony. If anything falls, a net extends a few floors down to catch it.”

  Kailynn blinked and turned to the Golden Elite.

  “Sounds like there have been some suicide attempts from this balcony.”

  “Not since they put the net in,” Isa corrected with a laugh. She gently pulled Kailynn a step closer. “The trick is not to look down. Look outward.”

  Kailynn took another step forward, but her fear got the best of her and she froze one step away from the railing.

  She pulled her hand from Isa’s and shook her head.

  “I’m good here,” she said quickly.

  “It’s closer than where you were before,” Isa complimented.

p; “You’re not afraid of heights?”

  “No,” Isa said with a shake of her head. “I never have been.”

  Kailynn looked over the Elite carefully, unable to help herself. Everything about the Elite was so perfect, it was hard to comprehend how someone could look completely immaculate. They were silent for several long moments, staring at one another.

  “I…I thought you were working…” Kailynn started lamely.

  Isa made a face. “I was, but Remus remotely shut down my chair.” She chuckled brokenly, shaking her head. “He really does not want me working this week.”


  “The one who hired you,” Isa said gently. “The Silver Elite of the Syndicate.”


  “I do apologize if it seemed that I was distant this morning,” Isa said. “I will admit, I do not find the practice of Significants at all appealing.”

  Kailynn groaned and rolled her eyes.

  “Me neither.”

  “Yet, you do this work?” Isa asked.

  “Best way for someone like me to make money,” Kailynn said with a shrug.

  “Someone like you?”

  Kailynn felt her stomach flip, so she pursed her lips and turned away.

  “Never mind,” she said quickly. “I guess I’m just surprised. Seems like a lot of people really like Significants.”

  “Yes, unfortunately,” Isa agreed. “That is why it is still in practice.” The Golden Elite turned to Kailynn fully and smiled. “What’s your real name?”


  “Your real name,” Isa repeated.

  “It’s Jacyleen,” Kailynn said, startled.

  “No.” Isa shook her head. “I’m sure you have a name better suited to you.”

  Kailynn hesitated.


  “Much better,” Isa agreed with a nod.

  “Is your name really Isa?” Kailynn asked. “Is it short for something? What about your last name?”

  “No, Isa is my full, and only, name.”

  “Only?” Kailynn asked, blinking. “You don’t have a last name?”

  Isa pursed her lips with a smile and shook her head. “No Elite has a last name. We do not have parents from whom to inherit them.”