The Significant Read online

Page 20

  It was clear that all the Elites were built to be perfect. Even Anders, who was older than Remus and Isa—and currently the oldest Elite in the Syndicate—had stunning features. His dark brown hair was starting to grey at the temples and his dark brown eyes were set into an angular, sharp face. He was tall and well-built with broad shoulders. Kailynn felt herself become nervous once again. She was sure that, by the end of the evening, every Elite in the Syndicate would know the truth about her relations with Isa.

  “Everyone is in a panic. There have already been calls asking if she’s been killed.”

  “Dr. Busen is with her,” Remus said. “It was a Pulse Virus. She’ll be alright.”

  “How the hell could someone Pulse her private NCB chair?” Anders hissed. “That one has tighter security than the one at the Syndicate.”

  “I’m not sure,” Remus admitted. “Therefore, until we know for sure, all NCB chairs are to be operated in safe-mode. If they got to that chair, then there is no doubt they can get to everyone at the Syndicate. We’ll cancel all Opium meetings. We’ll run investigations, have her personal chair dismantled, bring in a new one and tighten security.”

  “Understood,” Anders said. “I called Maki and Chronus on the way here. They’re already programing traces. The chair must have been in Opium, so we’ll have to trace all transmissions and try to locate the one it came in on.”

  It was only minutes later that two other Elites joined them. At this point, there were guards lining the room. With all the Elites in one place, and the fact that the Golden Elite had been attacked that night, there was a greater need for security. Both live guards and automated ones stood silently around the room as more Elites arrived.

  It took over an hour before all thirteen Bronze Elites had joined Remus and the others in the waiting room. Most waited in silence. Kailynn spared glances at them between long periods of keeping her head down. She noticed that, while all the Elites had different hair color and eye color, they all looked about the same. Their skin tone was the same, and their facial structure, even between the men and women, was similar. Their eyes were identical, just different colors, like they had all come out of the exact same mold.

  Whenever she looked up, she noticed that one of them, the Elite that had been called Maki, was staring at her. There was something about him that set him apart from the other Elites. His hair was jet-black and his eyes were brown, but they had a lighter hazel color around the pupil. He seemed to look right through her, seeing the secret between her and Isa without inquiring Kailynn’s identity.

  When she had made eye contact with him for the seventh time that night, he smiled and turned to Remus.

  “This is an interesting turn of events,” he said in another language. The different language caught the attention of all the Elites. Remus turned to Maki, his face controlled. He had tried to ignore the way Maki was staring at Kailynn, he had known that Maki would be the first to figure it out.


  “The Significant,” Maki said. “I thought she was for Tarah, at first. But it’s very clear to me she’s here for Isa.”

  The other Elites glanced at Kailynn and the Significant knew immediately she was the subject of their conversation.

  “Is this true, Remus?” Anders pressed, his eyes wide with surprise.

  “Venus approved her to meet with a Significant,” Remus murmured.

  “I thought that was a month ago,” Chronus said. “Why is she here now?”

  Remus turned away.

  He did not need to say more for the other Elites to understand immediately. Once more, they turned back to the Significant, looking her over. Kailynn shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She considered leaving to avoid the awkward confrontation happening in the waiting room. However, she could not leave without knowing that Isa was alright.

  Therefore, she took a deep breath and sat confidently in her chair, lifting her head to look at the Elites. They already knew, clearly. It was time to act like she belonged there.

  Tarah fell asleep on Rayal’s shoulder as the night progressed. Several Elites took short, five-minute naps. A few of them took phone calls, reaching to their ears to activate their implanted earpieces and walking away from the group, talking quietly.

  Remus was the only one who did not sleep or take calls. He remained in his chair, transferring all calls he received to Anders and Maki, who answered them without complaint. They knew that the Silver Elite was very worried about Isa. Even knowing that Isa was very strong and had survived multiple attempts on her life, there was an underlying worry that this was the one that would finally take the Golden Elite down.

  When seven hours had passed and Kailynn was falling asleep in her chair, a doctor walked into the waiting room. Rayal spotted him immediately and straightened, grabbing the attention of Remus, who turned.

  As Rayal woke Tarah, the Elites stood to surround the doctor that Kailynn recognized.

  “Dr. Busen,” Remus greeted.

  “Remus,” he said with a small smile. “She’s stable. She’ll be fine.”

  The Elites relaxed and let out relieved chuckles.

  “How bad was it?” Remus asked.

  “Well,” Dr. Busen started, sighing and shaking his head, “I don’t feel comfortable letting her leave without surveillance. Her body is not in optimal condition, and I worry that she’s declining again.”

  “Why do you think that?” Maki asked worriedly.

  “Her heartbeat is irregular, and her brain activity is…concerning.”

  “Then it’s getting worse?” Remus asked knowingly.

  “That’s to be expected,” Dr. Busen said, his eyes dropping to the ground. “She is prone to illness and deterioration now. That’s part of reconstruction. She needs to be on boosters again, and I’ll prescribe her some other medication while she’s recovering from this. We don’t need any more infections setting in.”

  “She’s been overworked. I’m sure her immune system is weak.”

  “That is not news to me,” Dr. Busen chuckled brokenly. “I will submit my report to Venus and strongly recommend that she remain out of the NCB chair until at least two follow-up appointments.” The doctor hesitated. “Until her strength returns, she cannot handle any more risk. She’s in delicate condition for the next several days.”

  “You’re going to have to keep her here, then,” Remus said strongly. “You know that we can’t monitor her properly anywhere else. She needs to be here.”

  “I agree,” Dr. Busen said. “But I need your approval and a ruling majority on the Syndicate to keep her.”

  “You have my approval,” Remus assured.

  “And I don’t think anyone her is opposed to her being here to recuperate,” Chronus said, glancing at the other Bronze Elites. When they all shook their heads, Dr. Busen nodded.

  “Good. We’ll be sure to keep her quiet and be sure that she follows treatment until she is out of this delicate stage.”

  “Is there anything that can be done to make her stronger?” Anders asked worriedly. “I understand that what happened five years ago was horrible, but there has to be something you can do to strengthen her body again.”

  “I’m afraid Elites don’t heal the same as humans. Her brain was altered completely from the accident. It doesn’t function as it did before and therefore there are a lot of signals that are getting lost between her brain and her body, including healing responses. The best we can do is keep an eye on her, and try to translate what we can.”

  “May we see her?”

  “Of course,” Dr. Busen said. “But…before I take you there,” he glanced at Kailynn, “there is something that needs to be addressed.” He lifted a finger and motioned to Kailynn. The Elites turned to the Significant, causing the younger woman to freeze temporarily. However, she forced her feet forward. She stood in front of the doctor, who reached a hand to her face. She backpedaled, confused, but Rayal placed a hand on her back and forced her to stay still.

  When Dr. Busen
reached for her right ear, another fear gripped Kailynn. He was looking for her PIM chip, which she did not have as a Trid. Dr. Busen’s fingers pressed into the skin behind her earlobe and his eyes met hers.

  For two tense seconds, they stared at one another.

  Dr. Busen smiled and reached for his pocket, pulling out the pen that read PIM chips. He pressed it to her skin, staring at her purposefully. She waited, her heart choking her as it sat in her throat. He pressed a button and it beeped loudly. He pulled it away from her skin and glanced at the small screen.

  “Excellent,” he murmured. “Follow me.”

  The entourage that had been waiting for news on the Golden Elite followed Dr. Busen to the elevator and took it to the next floor, walking through the quiet, deserted hallways to one of the larger rooms. Dr. Busen stepped to the side of the door and motioned everyone in. As Kailynn started into the room, the doctor grabbed her arm and pulled her back, allowing the Elites in and then the caretakers before pressing the button to close the door.

  Kailynn watched as the doctor turned to her slowly, smiling.

  “Don’t worry,” he assured. “I won’t report you.”

  Kailynn remained silent.

  “I’m not an idiot,” he said. “I know full well why you were at Anon Tower, and who you were there with.”

  Kailynn’s head dropped and her eyes focused on the ground, her body shaking nervously.

  “I want you to know that I have one of the most difficult jobs on the planet,” Dr. Busen said. “I have been charged to care for the health of one of the worst patients in history. However, it is my responsibility to watch out for her, and I take that duty very seriously. I cannot tend to her every need, though. And even working together, her other Specialist and I cannot care for her in every moment. Therefore, I am not surprised to find that someone like you has entered her life.”

  Kailynn was surprised at the warm tone in his voice.

  “Please take good care of her,” Dr. Busen murmured. “Isa needs all the support she can get. If you are willing to risk both of your lives, then be sure that you are fully invested in being with her. She has seen enough pain in her life. Don’t cause her more.”

  “…I won’t,” Kailynn promised, her voice soft.

  “And, just one more thing,” Dr. Busen said with a nervous chuckle. “I know you get tested at Companion.” She nodded slowly. “You’re clean, yes?”


  “Good.” Dr. Busen nodded. “I have to ask. I’m her doctor.”

  He pressed the button to open the door and motioned for the Significant to enter. Kailynn glanced at the doctor and smiled weakly.

  “Thank you.”

  She walked into the room, but did not get far before her eyes settled on Isa and she had to stop and lock her legs to keep from collapsing.

  Isa looked worse than she had when convulsing in the chair. Her face was pale and chalky. There were wires and needles poking into her skin. The light of the room made her look sickly and thin. The Elites were gathered around her but they did not seem as nervous about her condition as Kailynn.

  All eyes turned on the Significant. Chronus, Anders and two other Elites—Ainee and Kyrin—stepped aside to allow the Significant through. Kailynn stepped forward, trying to keep her legs strong as she approached the bed. Remus and Rayal were standing beside the Elite, while Tarah was in a chair, holding the Elite’s hand, her eyes swollen with frightened tears.

  Kailynn walked to Tarah’s side, looking over the Elite and swallowing hard to keep her own tears at bay. She was acutely aware of all the eyes on her, but she still could not think past Isa’s condition. She stood next to Tarah, placing a hand on the caretaker’s shoulder in a small gesture of comfort.

  The world narrowed. The only thing Kailynn could see was Isa’s ill countenance.

  “The hospital always makes everyone look worse,” Rayal murmured. “She will be alright.”

  Kailynn only nodded. She could not bring herself to speak.

  She was not sure how long the room remained silent, but when Chronus spoke, she nearly jumped out of her skin.

  “What do you want to do, Remus?” Chronus asked.

  “How far has the information spread?” Remus asked, turning to Rayal. The former caretaker shook his head.

  “I’m afraid I don’t know,” he admitted. “It was processed through the EMU network. It’s probably planet-wide by now.”

  “Venus has not spoken,” another Elite, Hana, murmured. “If she knew she would have said something.”

  “Not necessarily,” Remus whispered. “She’s probably processing everyone’s reaction. For now, we continue with the original story.” Remus turned to look among the Bronze Elites. “The Significant was there for Tarah. No laws were broken. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Security is our highest priority. We will direct all questions and conferences to the security breach that happened to get the virus in her chair. I want everyone working in safe-mode, all Opium meetings cancelled, and all speculation that this was the Ninth Circle shot down. We do not know that they were behind this.”

  “No, but can you think of anyone else that would do this?” Anders challenged.

  “No, but until we can confirm it, we don’t need the entire Alliance in an uproar. That will lead to war.”

  “And what of Isa’s condition?” Maki asked. “The people will want to know, but others could see it as a sign of weakness and take the opportunity to attack.”

  “We will just say that she survived an assassination attempt. For safety reasons, she is in hiding. No more details need to be given until she is well again.”

  “Understood,” Maki said with a nod. He turned to the other Elites. “You heard the man, we’re on damage control. Hana and Kyrin, you start on security for the NCB chairs. Run every scan possible on the Syndicate Building and get a diagnosis of our security. Chronus, you and I can go to Anon Tower and deal with Isa’s chair.”

  The Elites turned to leave the room, knowing they had to pick up all the work for the Silver and Golden Elites. They did not question it. They knew that it was the Golden Elite’s job to take care of the planet, and the Silver Elite’s job to take care of the Golden Elite. When the Golden Elite was unwell, the Silver Elite took charge while remaining at the Golden Elite’s side. It was part of the framework for the Syndicate.

  Maki walked to Remus and put a hand on his shoulder.

  “Call me if you need anything.”

  “Thank you, Maki.”

  The Bronze Elites filed out of the room, leaving Remus, Rayal, Tarah, and Kailynn with the unconscious Golden Elite.

  Kailynn felt even more intimidated. Now, Remus, who Rayal had warned was the most protective of Isa, was staring at the Significant darkly.

  “Kailynn,” he started. She closed her eyes before turning to him, trying to put up a brave front. “It would be best if you went back to Companion.”

  “I can’t just leave her,” Kailynn said strongly.

  “It is in everyone’s best interest if you leave,” Remus said. “This is a very dangerous situation, and you do not know most of it.”

  “I know that my life is in danger just by being here,” Kailynn growled. “I know enough.”

  “No, you don’t,” Remus corrected sharply. “There is no doubt in my mind that this attempt on Isa’s life was from Gihron. And now the news is likely widespread about a Significant in the home of the Golden Elite. That puts a target on your head.”

  “Rayal told me that they could take me as a way to get to Isa.”

  “You have no idea of what they are capable,” Remus hissed. “They have done much worse in the past. Isa is not strong enough to handle something of that magnitude.”

  “I don’t see how that is your call to make,” Kailynn said. “I don’t know how bad her health is, true. But she seems happier when I’m around, and I think that says a lot.”

  “You’re a fool,” Remus whispered. “Isa
is the Golden Elite of Tiao, and you are a non-citizen Trid with forged papers working as a Significant. Even if we keep this information from Gihron, the others in the Alliance will see this as a weak point in the Syndicate. They will think that Venus is no longer capable of running Tiao, and the other planets in the system will destroy us.”

  “Isa is strong enough to handle the other planets,” Kailynn snapped. “You’ve all said that she is the best Elite the planet has seen, and you know she is damn good at her job. If the other planets doubt Venus, that’s one thing, but I don’t think anyone would doubt Isa. In fact, if it was discovered that Isa was rebelling against Venus, but was still able to maintain perfect control over Tiao and the Syndicate, then the people will rally behind her as a strong leader.”

  “That is not the way this works!” Remus said, exasperated. “You have absolutely no concept of politics, so do not pretend that you know how this will play out.” The Silver Elite took a deep breath. “Go back to Companion. Keep quiet about what has happened, and do not seek out Isa again. You will only bring harm to her.”

  Kailynn crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Tell me something, Elite Remus,” she said, her voice dark and cold. “How much of this is about your jealousy?”

  Rayal and Tarah’s eyes went wide.

  “Jealousy?” Remus barked a laugh. “You may have helped Isa feel better, and you may even share her bed on occasion,” he started, stalking forward and looming over Kailynn, “but you will never understand her.”

  Kailynn continued staring defiantly at Remus

  “Then this is about jealousy.” She glanced at Isa. “I don’t claim to know anything about her. It’s true, you know her better. But when she needed someone, I was the one she turned to, not you. And that makes your blood boil, doesn’t it?”

  Remus’ jaw clenched. Rayal started forward, though he was not sure he should get between the two. He knew that this confrontation would have to happen eventually.

  “I don’t know everything that has happened to her,” Kailynn continued. “And that is why I don’t treat her like she’s fragile. You said it yourself, she has survived worse things than this one attempt on her life. You know what she went through when she was in the hospital for all that time, and I’m sure you can see how strong she is now, even after all that. So why do you treat her like she’ll break if the wind blows?”