The Significant Read online

Page 15

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Isa, there are a few things I wanted to ask you.”

  “Okay,” the Elite said, dressing in her Syndicate uniform. It had been three days since the fated night that had changed their lives, and Kailynn finally felt like she could gather her thoughts enough to ask some of her burning questions.

  “Rayal said that you were sick for a long time. That they thought you would die.”

  Isa turned to Kailynn, surprised that Rayal had revealed that information. Kailynn turned away, hugging her knees as she sat in the bed, still covered in the sheets.

  “Is that true? You were that sick?”

  Isa hesitated before turning back to the mirror, straightening the collar of her uniform.

  “I was very ill, yes,” she admitted. “To be honest, I do not remember much of my time in the hospital, but I was there for eight months.”

  “Eight months?” Kailynn gawked.

  “The doctors said that I was on the verge of death, but I do not recall anything of my treatment.”

  “What put you in the hospital?”

  “It was a combination of things,” Isa admitted, brushing through her hair. “My health was in decline for over a year before I was in the hospital. And then I fainted and fell down the stairs and through some glass at the Syndicate Building.”

  Kailynn’s jaw fell open at the story. She could not respond as Isa turned around.

  “But that was almost five years ago,” she concluded. “It’s ancient history now.”

  “Are you…I mean, clearly…you’re better?”

  Isa chuckled lightly.

  “I am fine,” she assured. “Every now and then, particularly in stressful times, some of the pains return, but they are not serious.” Isa walked over to the bed and sat on the frame, smiling gently at Kailynn. “I am a little surprised that Rayal told you that.”

  “I’ve actually been hearing a lot of things about you that have me curious…”


  “Like that you’ve been in a relationship before.”

  Isa’s eyes were unreadable. She stared at Kailynn for a few moments before heaving a sigh and nodding.

  “I was.”

  “How did you even manage that? Was it a short-term thing?”

  “No, it was not short-term,” Isa admitted. “And I was very careful about it.”

  “But Venus still found out,” Kailynn said knowingly.

  “She did.”

  “But she didn’t kill you,” Kailynn continued. “Did she kill the person you were with?”


  “She doesn’t enforce her own rules?” Kailynn asked skeptically.

  “At the time she found out, there was a crisis within the Alliance. The relationship was very secret and she found out while it was a still a secret. Because it was not public, and she still needed me to help with the crisis throughout the system, she did not kill me. She ordered the relationship terminated, and that was all.”

  Kailynn looked down at the sheets, thinking.

  “But, there won’t be that kind of reaction if she finds out about us, will there?”

  Isa took Kailynn’s hand and squeezed it.

  “I don’t know,” she admitted. “But I do not plan to have her find out.”

  She leaned forward and kissed Kailynn’s forehead.

  “I must work.”


  Isa left the room while Kailynn flopped back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Even though she and Isa had been sleeping together the previous nights and continuing sexual relations, there were several moments where the reality of the situation hit her hard enough to knock the breath out of her. Hearing that Isa had been in a relationship before eased her mind in part because it meant that Isa did know how to keep their relations secret. However, knowing that Venus had still discovered Isa’s prior relationship caused Kailynn to be overcome with anxiety.

  Tarah had been her biggest support. When the younger caretaker realized that the Significant would be staying, she seemed relieved and overjoyed. She would talk to Kailynn constantly, trying to get her to stop thinking about the dangerous situation. She knew she only had to distract Kailynn while Isa was working, because the Elite always seemed to calm the anxious Significant when she appeared.

  Tarah was very careful not to reveal much more about Isa’s past, but she did tell everything she had heard from the other houses about the interesting, and sometimes illegal, things those in the upper class did, which helped ease Kailynn a little bit, but it would also increase her anxiety in other ways.

  Rayal stopped by later in the afternoon to discuss information with Isa that their intelligence agents had found. He also stayed for dinner, helping Tarah cook. Kailynn had far too much time to worry as they were cooking, though she was sometimes distracted watching Tarah glance at Rayal with bright stars in her eyes. Kailynn wondered if Rayal noticed Tarah’s crush.

  During dinner, Kailynn immediately felt more at ease. Whenever she saw Isa, she calmed, feeling safe.

  She sat next to Isa at dinner, no longer across from her.

  Rayal spent his time watching them at dinner, noting every secret glance and every small smile.

  He saw that, somehow, in the three days he had left them, they had become even closer. He could tell from the way Kailynn was acting that she did not entirely understand Isa, or know her secrets. Instead, it was as if the Significant was instinctively gravitating to the Elite, and the Golden Elite was also pulled to the younger woman.

  The realization scared Rayal.

  Things were getting more dangerous the longer the two women were together.

  Two days after Rayal’s visit, a second unexpected visitor appeared.

  Kailynn was helping Tarah clean the living room, listening to the caretaker relay a story Rayal had told her. The younger woman had been unable to stop talking about Rayal and Kailynn was starting to get annoyed with the crush. She did not say anything, hoping that thinking about Tarah and Rayal and listening to Tarah’s stories would take her mind off her own inner turmoil, but it was still starting to grate her nerves.

  The front door opening stopped Tarah’s story short as they both turned.

  Kailynn did not see the way Tarah’s face dropped, but she could feel the shift in the tension of the room when he walked in. The man who entered was tall and broad, built with impressive muscles and an extremely handsome face. From his appearance alone, Kailynn knew he was an Elite. He was dressed in the same Syndicate Uniform that Isa wore, but somehow, it made his already-perfect physique seem impossibly perfect.

  “Elite Remus,” Tarah murmured, quickly running forward to greet the Silver Elite. Kailynn’s heart stopped and fell into her stomach. His eyes found her immediately and held her gaze for what felt like days. Kailynn was sure her legs were trembling, because it was difficult to stay standing. His green eyes were sharp and clear, veiled and powerful in their knowledge. “Is there anything I can get for you, sir?”

  “No, Tarah,” Remus said simply, glancing at the caretaker before his eyes settled on Kailynn again. “Please retrieve Isa for me.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Tarah threw an apologetic look back at Kailynn for leaving her alone with the Silver Elite, and then disappeared to find Isa.

  Two seconds passed before Kailynn moved. She shifted her legs, trying to brace herself on one to keep from shaking. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked over the Silver Elite, as if Elites were something she came in contact with every day.

  “Are you the Significant?” Remus asked.

  “I would think that would be obvious,” Kailynn said, her voice shaking only a little.

  The corners of the Silver Elite’s mouth quirked slightly upward.

  “I’m glad my instructions were followed to send someone with a little bite.”

  Kailynn did not respond and forced herself to remain still as Remus approached her.

  “Let me ask you something,” Remus
started, his voice cold. “Were you instructed on what to do while you were here?”

  Kailynn said nothing, not sure what the Silver Elite meant.

  “You were supposed to sit with her and talk with her, and that was all,” Remus explained.

  Kailynn’s expression faltered, her eyes going wide.

  He knew.

  The warning from Rayal rattled her skull again.

  “I’m guessing from your reaction that you did not follow those instructions,” Remus said, his voice growing dark.

  Kailynn was already intimidated by how tall Isa was, but Remus towered over her and was broad, which made his looming gaze even more frightening as it was cast down on the Significant.

  “I was hoping the information was false,” Remus continued.

  “How did you find out?” Kailynn asked, putting on her strongest face. “What happens in Isa’s private life is none of your business.”

  Remus’ eyes darkened.

  “Everything to do with Isa is my business,” he growled. “And this is something that cannot be ignored.”

  “Because it’s illegal?” Kailynn challenged. “We’ve both heard that argument enough.” The Significant sighed, trying to sound indignant as she shifted her weight to brace herself on the other foot, her legs still shaking. “Look, you wanted me to be here to talk to her and comfort her, but when all this shit happened with Caroie, she needed more than someone to talk to.”

  Remus hesitated, the muscles in his jaw clenching for a brief moment.

  “What happened on Caroie shook her up, that is without question,” he started, his tone measured. “However, even if she was upset, or drunk, or whatever it was, you as a Significant should have known the rules of interactions with Elites and stopped her from making this monumental mistake.”

  The words cut Kailynn deeper than she anticipated.

  “Mistake?” she growled. “For your information, I was the one who came onto her. She did not start anything, I did.”

  “What you did was illegal,” Remus hissed.

  “What you did was illegal, too,” Kailynn snarled. “But you would know that, already. You’re the one paying for me to be here.”

  “That’s right. I am the one paying,” Remus repeated darkly, glaring at Kailynn. “But I never paid for you to touch her. Do you have any idea the implications of what you’re doing?”

  “She needed me,” Kailynn said. “That’s why you hired me, right? Because she needed someone?”

  Remus was about to speak when the door opened to the living room and Isa walked out of the guest hall, Tarah behind her.

  “Remus,” she greeted. “You should have told me you were coming over.” She approached the two, looking between them. It was clear she already knew the situation. “Is there a problem?”

  Remus turned to Isa fully.

  “I was hoping that it wasn’t true.”

  “Rayal told you,” Isa said knowingly.

  “He’s terrified for you,” Remus hissed. “When he comes to me, I know there is a problem.”

  “Kailynn is not a problem,” Isa said, her tone turning cold.

  “You are having sexual relations with a Significant,” Remus near-growled. “You have put her life, and your own, at risk.”

  “I am no stranger to risking my life,” Isa said, standing next to Kailynn. “And I will protect Kailynn,” her eyes hardened, “even if I have to protect her against you.”

  Remus shook his head.

  “You misunderstand,” Remus assured. “You know I would never report you. However, this is still a problem. Kailynn needs to leave.”

  “I don’t believe that is your decision to make,” Isa responded.

  “I’m the one paying for her to be here,” Remus said. “She violated the law. I should have her arrested for even touching you.”

  Isa’s eyes hardened.

  “Would her cell be next to yours?”

  Remus blinked at the Golden Elite, surprised. Kailynn’s eyes shot wide as she connected the pieces, looking between the Elites.

  Isa looked at Kailynn. “I was the one who asked Kailynn to be with me. If anyone violated the law, it was me.”

  “Isa, this is not the time to be defiant,” Remus growled. “We have half the system breathing down our necks and trying to find a way to tear you down. The Ninth Circle is threatening to destroy the Crescent Alliance. Are you willing to risk that because of this sort of distraction?” Remus motioned to Kailynn. “I think it would be best if she left. She’s only here because I’m paying her. If I stop, she has no reason to stay.” He turned to Kailynn. “That is the reason you’re here, right? The money?”

  Kailynn hesitated, caught off-guard by the question. She looked at Isa, not sure what to say. The Golden Elite looked at her briefly and then nodded once.

  “Fine, I will pay for her,” Isa said. She glared at Remus. “You are not the only one with money in this room, Remus. How dare you put her in that position?”

  “She’s using this for money!” Remus snapped. “You’re a fucking Elite, no one should use you!”

  “I’m a fucking Elite,” Isa repeated coldly. “I was made to be used.” She nodded to the door. “Good day, Remus. We will discuss this at a later time.”

  Remus ground his teeth together and sighed heavily.

  He swept out of the room as Kailynn turned to Isa.


  “I don’t want to hear your answer,” Isa said. “It was not fair of him to ask such a loaded question.”

  Kailynn glanced at the door.

  “He was your previous lover,” Kailynn said knowingly.

  Isa nodded slowly. “He was.”

  “Makes sense why Venus didn’t kill both of you,” Kailynn said. “You were both Elites.” Kailynn hesitated. “In school, too?”

  “Yes,” Isa admitted. “We were sexual partners for many years.”

  “Did you love him?”

  Isa’s eyes turned sad.

  “Elites have no human emotions,” she reminded the Significant. “I cannot fall in love.”

  Kailynn’s brow furrowed, the words hurting. She looked at the door once more.

  “But he’s jealous.”

  “No, I don’t believe so,” Isa disagreed. “He’s worried. He knows the risks of this sort of relationship.”

  “Why did you two call it off?” Kailynn asked, confused, turning her eyes back on the Golden Elite. “You could have ignored Venus’ order and continued to keep it secret. And you still work together and clearly you still talk to one another.”

  Isa hesitated, her eyes falling to the ground for a moment as she thought about her answer.

  “Things just ended,” she said slowly. “I can’t say that there was one reason in particular. There were a lot of factors and we decided it was best to comply with Venus’ order.”

  Tarah dropped her eyes to the ground, swallowing hard.

  “It is in the past.” Isa waved the conversation away. “In a way, I am relieved he knows.”

  “Why?” Kailynn asked in horror.

  “Because it saves me trying to keep it a secret from him.” Isa turned to Kailynn and smiled gently, brushing her fingers over the younger woman’s cheek. Kailynn’s body shuddered as her eyes were captured in Isa’s powerful gaze. “I do not want you to worry about him, or about the money,” she assured. “I will be sure you are properly paid for your time.”


  “No, you do not need to answer his question. It does not matter to me if you are here because of the money or not,” Isa said. “What matters to me is that you are here.”

  Kailynn blinked at Isa, following the Elite’s fingers as they left her cheek. Kailynn almost cried at the loss of contact.

  Isa turned to return to work but Kailynn grabbed her arm, turning her around and grabbing her face. She crushed their lips together, hoping that her feelings about Remus and the money were conveyed in the kiss. She knew Isa did not want an answer, but she want
ed to give one.

  While she was frantic and desperate to convey her emotions to Isa, the Elite was quiet and calm, as usual, slowing the kiss to a gentler pace.

  When they parted, Kailynn took a deep breath and swallowed hard.

  Isa smiled and ran her fingers over Kailynn’s cheek, leaning down to kiss her again.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Kailynn’s eyes fluttered open lazily as she slowly came back to reality with the help of Isa stroking her hair. Her throat was dry and her breath came in pants. She was hot and sticky with sweat, which made resting on top of Isa uncomfortable, but she did not want to move.

  She propped herself up and glanced at the Golden Elite, who looked amazingly composed for someone post-coitus.

  Isa ran her fingers over Kailynn’s cheekbone, looking over the younger woman’s features. Kailynn turned her head and kissed the Elite’s hand before leaning into the touch and turning her eyes back on Isa.


  “You don’t need to say anything,” she whispered. “I know.”

  But Kailynn was sure that the Elite did not know. How could she know the complex feelings coursing through the Significant when she could not feel human emotions? Kailynn knew that it was her last night with the Elite. The following day, Kailynn would return to Companion and then to Trid with the money she had earned being with the Elite. She would be returning to free some of the criminals who had tried to destroy Venus, the very computer Isa obeyed.

  Kailynn leaned down and kissed Isa, her lips hovering over the Golden Elite’s when she pulled away.

  “Will you be alright?” Kailynn breathed.

  Isa’s hands tenderly stroked Kailynn’s back as she pecked another kiss on the younger woman’s lips.


  “Are you sure?” Kailynn pressed. “It sounded like things with Caroie really heated up today.”

  Isa sighed and closed her tired eyes, trying not to recall the difficult preliminary negotiations for Caroie and the number of planets she found trying to thwart her every step.